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Ashen Falcon Region Placeholder

A Medieval Europe/Greyhawk inspired region, think your typical sword and sorcery land. Knights, Lords, peasants, monsters and bandits in the countryside. If D&D and the more generic framework on that kind of land are your thing then this region is for you.

Region Guideposts

Shared History

Large External War and Large Civil War ravaged the country leaving the throne vacant and any royal line broken and what was once unified is now many lands ruled by many lords. The wars and resulting collapse decimated the population causing many of the lorded lands to significantly contract. This period is one of rebuilding as people scrape back some semblance of order.


Not really going to put many guideposts on this one, as I think the generic setting can lend itself to a lot of magical situations. One thing I would like to maintain is that magic isn't necessarily ubiquitous, and powerful magic users should be rare.

Technology & Knowledge

Given this is during a period of decline or rebuilding technology should be sparse and there should be room for innovation or at least rediscovery of technology and knowledge.


House Shrike

  • ashen_falcon.1687271706.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2023/06/20 14:35
  • by thunder