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ashen_falcon [2023/04/23 15:52] thunderashen_falcon [2023/06/24 22:38] (current) thunder
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 Given this is during a period of decline or rebuilding technology should be sparse and there should be room for innovation or at least rediscovery of technology and knowledge. Given this is during a period of decline or rebuilding technology should be sparse and there should be room for innovation or at least rediscovery of technology and knowledge.
 +[[AF:house_shrike|House Shrike]]
 +==== Articles ====
 +^ Article Name ^ Date ^ Brief Overview ^
 +|[[af:articles:basicarmor|Basic Armor Standards]]| 6/24/2023 | An overview on basic armor in the region. |
  • ashen_falcon.1682265149.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2023/04/23 15:52
  • by thunder