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af:house_shrike [2023/04/29 21:48] thunderaf:house_shrike [2023/06/23 00:08] (current) – [Family] thunder
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 ^  Background  ^^ ^  Background  ^^
 |  **Current Head of House**  | Lord Tywen Shrike  | |  **Current Head of House**  | Lord Tywen Shrike  |
 |  **Seat of Power**  | Wolfwater | |  **Seat of Power**  | Wolfwater |
 ===== History ===== ===== History =====
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 |**Lady Felicia [Ogden] Shrike (Deseased)**|Former Lady of House Shrike and wife to Lord Thomas Shrike. She was the fourth born of house Ogden and was married to Lord Thomas Shrike when they were both very young to cement the bond between the two houses. Took her own life rather than be captured when Wolfwater was taken.| |**Lady Felicia [Ogden] Shrike (Deseased)**|Former Lady of House Shrike and wife to Lord Thomas Shrike. She was the fourth born of house Ogden and was married to Lord Thomas Shrike when they were both very young to cement the bond between the two houses. Took her own life rather than be captured when Wolfwater was taken.|
 |**Lord Daniel Shrike (Deseased)**|Eldest don of Lord Thomas Shrike and Lady Felicia Shrike, he was a skilled individual warrior but lacked the charisma to lead, he was killed alongside his father during a skirmish outside of Wolfwater| |**Lord Daniel Shrike (Deseased)**|Eldest don of Lord Thomas Shrike and Lady Felicia Shrike, he was a skilled individual warrior but lacked the charisma to lead, he was killed alongside his father during a skirmish outside of Wolfwater|
-|**Lord Tywen Shrike**|Second Son of Lord Thomas Shrike and Lady Felicia Shrike, was send away with his young wife before Wolfwater was taken. Found safe harbor with his Uncle, and returned and retook Wolfwater. While not as skilled as his late brother, he is a charismatic and devout leader.| +|**[[af:house_shrike:characters:tywen|Lord Tywen Shrike]]**|Second Son of Lord Thomas Shrike and Lady Felicia Shrike, was send away with his young wife before Wolfwater was taken. Found safe harbor with his Uncle, and returned and retook Wolfwater. While not as skilled as his late brother, he is a charismatic and devout leader.| 
-|**Lady Olivia [Troy] Shrike**|Wife of Lord Tywen Shrike, was the second born of House Troy but is currently the last member of the house as they were slaughtered during the civil war. Lady Olivia is known to be severe and solemn, she is devout and spends much time among priests and at prayer.|+|**[[af:house_shrike:characters:olivia|Lady Olivia [Troy] Shrike]]**|Wife of Lord Tywen Shrike, was the second born of House Troy but is currently the last member of the house as they were slaughtered during the civil war. Lady Olivia is known to be severe and solemn, she is devout and spends much time among priests and at prayer.|
 |**Lady Cyrwen Shrike** |Twin sister to Lord Tywen Shrike, she had been stabbed by her mother before they could he taken hostage but she survived the wound. She became a fierce combatant and aided her brother in retaking wolfwater.| |**Lady Cyrwen Shrike** |Twin sister to Lord Tywen Shrike, she had been stabbed by her mother before they could he taken hostage but she survived the wound. She became a fierce combatant and aided her brother in retaking wolfwater.|
  • af/house_shrike.1682804883.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2023/04/29 21:48
  • by thunder